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Don’t Allow Your Managed IT Services Provider in Houston to Taint Your View of the Cloud!

managed IT services HoustonThere are multiple forms of services that you can obtain through your managed IT services provider in Houston. One of the most important solutions for the modern commercial set-up is cloud computing. This is an essential service which promotes business continuity and aid in disaster recovery. In simple terms, it allows your data to be backed up on a secure server, ensuring that your crucial data is preserved. In addition, the cloud solution is essential because it allows access to your company’s information from anywhere. Read more

Imtiyaz Momin No Comments

Ransomware is Out There— Managed Services Providers in Houston Advise Patching!

A Unique, Globally-Affecting Ransomware Virus

managed services HoustonManaged services providers in Houston are pushing patch solutions for a number of reasons, not least among them the WannaCry ransomware attack which took place Friday the 12th, 2017, and is still ongoing as of this writing. It has infected computers in over 150 countries. Almost a quarter of a million computers have been affected by this ransomware, and the hackers are demanding bitcoin payment. Read more

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Managed IT Services in Houston Can Help Protect Your Law Firm from Cybercriminals

managed IT services HoustonCybercriminals cause havoc to businesses— law firms included— as they target sensitive data. That has made the legal sector to be highly prone to cybersecurity risks. More and more legal firms are falling victim to simple schemes such as ‘phishing’ or complicated ones such as coordinated cyberattack. Such threats expose sensitive client information such as IP from patent filing, acquisitions intelligence, market influencing mergers, insightful financial information, etc. Because of these incidents, your law firm could use some professional help from a managed IT services provider in Houston. Read more

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Common Internet Scams and How to Avoid Them Using IT Services in Houston

Pervasive Scams

it services HoustonIT services in Houston can be instrumental in both helping you to avoid getting scammed by common cons that exist on the net like viruses in the real world, and helping you to recover if such a scam has grabbed you by the throat and stilted operations.

To that end, three common scams will be briefly explored here: Read more

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Advantages of Managed IT Services in Houston

Specific Advantages

managed IT services HoustonManaged IT services in Houston is integral to profitability in your IT applications. While there are certain areas of life where you can sort of “wing it,” hope for the best, and find some positive result, there are other areas that require a deft, experienced hand to properly manage. One of those areas is Information Technology, which is constantly in flux and has been since the initial advent of computational technology. In order to maximize your IT advantage, you really need an experienced hand. Doing as much will yield benefits like: Read more

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Houston Managed IT Services Help Implement Revolutionary Cloud Solutions

Fly Aboard the Cloud

Houston managed IT servicesHouston managed IT services can totally change your business. You’ve probably heard how good these technology solutions can be, and the truth is there are some exceptional advantages. Three primary ones include:

  • Better backup and data recovery solutions
  • Revolution as opposed to evolution
  • Curtailing unnecessary expenses

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Managed IT Services in Houston Can Permanently Preserve Laptop Data

A Common Issue

managed IT services HoustonManaged IT services companies in Houston specialize in a variety of services, not least of which concern backup. You’re going to have situations where data’s lost. Some of these involve the Internet, some involve user error, and some involve mechanical error. Common reasons laptops lose critical data include: Read more

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IT Support Experts in Houston and Their Role in the BYOD Game

IT support HoustonIt wasn’t too long ago that companies never had to think much about their BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) strategy. The BYOD strategy that businesses employed was giving their people what they thought they needed and then taking it back when the time came. If they got to a point where the data had to be wiped, they would take the phone or laptop, wipe it clean, and then give it back. BYOD has changed the landscape, and your IT support partner in Houston needs to be caught up with the latest and greatest industry developments. Things have come a long way even in the last decade as it pertains to what’s allowed to connect to a company’s network. Read more

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Reasons Why Proactive IT Support in Houston is Much Better than Reactive

Two IT Families

IT support HoustonIT support in Houston comes in two primary iterations: there is reactive IT and proactive IT. The proactive kind of tech support is to be recommended for several reasons. Read more